πŸ”’ Block TikTok, Snapchat, Omegle, Riot Games, Valorant and League of Legends

Blocking access to certain services, particularly TikTok, Snapchat, Omegle, Riot Games, Valorant, and League of Legends, is widely recommended to enhance online safety and prevent potential risks such as inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and data privacy concerns.

Please note that the following list of URLs available for blocking in Pi-hole may not be comprehensive. These URLs are associated with certain domains that you may wish to block on your network to improve online safety and reduce potential risks. Please use this list as a reference and consider other measures to further enhance online safety.

If you want to block access to specific websites on your network, you can use Pi-hole to block certain domains. Below is a list of associated domains that you can block:

Blocking access to specific domains can be an effective way to prevent users on your network from accessing certain websites, but it's important to keep in mind that it may not completely prevent access to the websites, as they may still be accessible through other domains or IP addresses. Therefore, it is crucial to use additional strategies to address concerns about inappropriate content, cyberbullying, or other online safety issues.

Furthermore, it's always a good idea to educate yourself and others about online safety and responsible internet use, as this will help promote a safe and healthy online environment. Using content filters and parental controls can also be helpful in promoting online safety. Additionally, monitoring internet activity can help identify potential issues and allow for prompt action to be taken.

If you're interested in using Pi-hole to block unwanted domains, you can find a list of blocklists on their website. It's important to note, however, that the effectiveness of Pi-hole and other similar tools may vary, and they should not be relied upon as the sole method for promoting online safety.

In conclusion, while blocking access to certain domains can be a useful tool for preventing access to specific websites, it is essential to use multiple strategies to promote online safety and responsible internet use. By staying informed and vigilant, we can all work together to create a safer online environment for ourselves and others.

✨ Thank you for reading

If you're interested in using Pi-hole to block unwanted domains, you can find a complete list of blocklists here. Please consider supporting this repository by starring it if you found this information helpful. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to ask.