πŸ“ Information

Please note that the following is a list of some telemetry and tracking domains that can be blocked using Pi-hole, but it is not necessarily exhaustive. Blocking these domains can improve online safety and help protect your privacy. However, please note that blocking these domains alone may not be sufficient to ensure complete online safety and privacy.

🌍 Telemetry Domains

Telemetry domains are websites that collect data about the performance and usage of software applications. By blocking these domains with Pi-hole, you can prevent your data from being shared with the software developer or third-party companies without your consent.

πŸ•΅οΈ Tracking Domains

Tracking domains are used by websites and advertisers to collect data on users' online behavior, which is then used to create targeted advertisements and personalize content. Blocking these domains with Pi-hole can help protect your online privacy by preventing your activity from being monitored.

πŸ“ƒ List

List of sample links containing domains to be blocked:

✨ Thank you for reading

If you're interested in using Pi-hole to block unwanted domains, you can find a complete list of blocklists here. Please consider supporting this repository by starring it if you found this information helpful. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to ask.